Jobs Tech Tips

Common Tech Interview Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

It could be challenging to navigate through the hurdles of being interviewed in the tech industry. However, knowing the common pitfalls and understanding how to avoid them can significantly make a difference for you as a job seeker who has just received a letter from an Organisation requesting your presence. 

In this guide, you will learn beyond the basics; you will be exposed to practical tips and in-depth advice that you can leverage to bring you success in your next interview. 

Error 1:  Underestimating the Power of First Impressions

First impressions matter, even in tech interviews. It is by this that a mental picture of your possible kind of person is created in the mind of your interviewer. 

First impressions is one of the common tech interview mistakes, and they can be determined by a wide range of characteristics. It may include accent, language, voice, quality of speech, posture, physical appearance, culture, etc. Sadly, it is common for candidates to overlook this aspect of introspection before facing their interviewers. 

How to Avoid:

1. Dress in a Professional Manner 

The way you dress can communicate a lot about your professionalism, confidence and personality. Appearance is our first filter and it speaks volumes. You have to give your best efforts in selecting the right outfits.

Chatty Tip: Dress like you are meeting with the president or a reputable CEO.

2. Speak clearly and Confidently

Your sophistication can better be seen in how confident you express yourself. Make quality eye contact; it helps to keep you balanced.

3. Maintain Proper Body Language

According to research, 80% of our communication is conveyed through body language. It is common for people to form impressions based on the non-verbal signals you give before or while speaking such as facial expressions, vocalics, hand gestures, etc. 

Chatty Tips: Sit up straight, make appropriate eye contact, and use hand gestures to emphasise your points.

ERROR 2: Overlooking the Importance of Soft Skills

Another common tech interview mistake is candidates’ disregard for soft skills. 

Soft skills are essential for employers; they are your power skills. According to James Heckman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, “soft skills predict success in life.” 

Technical skills are crucial, but soft skills such as communication, teamwork, negotiation, problem-solving, and creativity are equally important. 

How to Avoid:

  • Showcase Soft Skills
  • Prepare examples from your experience where you demonstrated strong teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities.

ERROR 3: Not Demonstrating a Growth Mindset

Employers consider candidates who are enthusiastic and willing to learn and adapt as a valuable asset. You could take advantage of this, provided you possess these qualities. If you do not, develop it. 

How to Avoid:

  • Show Curiosity
  • Ask insightful questions about the company’s projects, challenges, and future directions.
  • Discuss Learning Experiences
  • Share how you have overcome challenges and what you learned from those experiences.

ERROR 4: Failing to Practice Real-World Coding Problems

This is another common tech interview mistake. While it is important to practice algorithms,  solving real-world coding problems demonstrates your practical skills more effectively. 

How to Avoid:

  • Simulate Real-World Scenarios
  • Work on coding problems that reflect the tasks you might face in a job setting.
  • Use Version Control
  • Get comfortable with tools like Git to showcase your ability to work in collaborative coding environments.

ERROR 5: Overlooking System Design and Architecture

One of the critical skills for many tech roles is one’s ability to create and evaluate scalable and efficient systems. This is what System Design interviews aim to look out for. 

How to Improve:

  • Study System Design
  • Get familiar with key concepts such as caching, database sharding and load balancing, especially as it pertains to the system designs of the company you are seeking employment. However, this should not limit you; seek to have advanced designing skills that can distinguish you from the other candidates. 

ERROR 6: Ignoring Cultural Fit

Another common tech interview mistake is Cultural fit. It is an important factor in hiring decisions, that when overlooked, can be detrimental to the success of your job acquisition.

How to Avoid:

  • Understand the Culture
  • Research the company’s values, mission, and culture, and let your responses align with these aspects. 
  • Showcase Relevant Traits: Mention key elements of your personality and style that matches the work culture of the company. 

Additional Tips for Successful Tech Interview 

  1. Mock Interviews: Engage with family, friends or mentor in activities that looks like you are practically being interviewed. This will help reduce your anxiety and improve performance when faced with the real life interview.
  2. Feedback Loop: After the mock interview, always ask for feedbacks. This way, you get to know which area to concentrate your effort on to address better next time. 
  3. Stay Updated: Stay conscious of the ever evolving nature of the tech industry and keep abreast of its latest tools, trends and technologies.
  4. Portfolio Projects: Having a Portfolio on a platform like GitHub to showcase your projects can provide a tangible proof of work and also serve as an avenue for recruiters to have a sneak-view of your skills and expertise.


To avoid common tech interview mistakes, you need a combination of technical preparation, soft skills, and a deep understanding of the company you are interviewing with. 

By applying these tips and constantly improving your approach, you can boost your chances of success and leave a strong impression on your interviewers. 

Remember, each interview is a chance to learn and advance, so view every experience as a step closer to your dream.